Topic: Executive Team Performance
Topic: Culture & Change
Topic: Transition to the C-Suite
Topic: Women in Leadership
Why Women Leaders Will Play An Essential Role In 2025 And Beyond
In today's business landscape, we can be assured of only one thing: We are entering an uncertain time. Change is in the air, but the form it takes and its impact on work is yet to be seen. Several leadership capabilities will be critical for navigating this future, and based on Zenger and Folkman's research, they're all areas where women excel.
How And Why To Seek Out Mentors Throughout Your Career
There is a growing body of evidence that suggests mentorship has a profound impact on people across the career cycle. That said, as your career advances, the reasons for seeking mentorship, the selection of mentors and the impact of having a mentor also change.
The Leader As Advocate
Employees who see advocacy in action and benefit from it are far more inclined to become advocates themselves. As a result, organizations driven by advocate leaders also tend to be more inclusive, diverse and equitable environments in which to work and grow on the job.
The Authenticity Paradox: How Diversity Impacts The Expectation To Show Up Authentically In Work
Making an effort to promote authenticity in the workplace is valiant and even necessary. However, companies must recognize that it isn’t a one-size-fits-all project. To truly commit to authenticity, it's vital to ensure all employees, regardless of their demographic, are supported.
Ten Percent Of Fortune 500 Companies Are Now Women-Led: The Changing Face Of Leadership
With over 10% of Fortune 500 companies now led by women, the groundwork is being laid for more women to enter the C-suite in the near future. If today’s exceptional leaders want to secure this future, now is the time for them to opt in to transformational leadership—both in theory and in practice.
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